Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fort Erie Holding Job Fair For Upcoming Meet

With their upcoming meet beginning on May 7th, the Fort Erie Live Racing Consortium is holding their first ever job fair on Saturday, March 26th. There are over 30 positions that need to be filled before opening day. Fort Erie asks that those people who are interested in applying bring their resume, including references, to the racetrack's Clubhouse between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Jobs are available in departments such as Maintenance, Food and Beverage, Security and Administration. Since many of the positions are seasonal, students looking for summer employment may find the job fair of tremendous value.

"We have such a wide range of positions available, everything from dishwashers to accounting clerks," said Greg Claroni, Fort Erie's Human Resource Manager. "It's a great feeling to confidently open the doors to the local community and encourage employment, especially when the venue is such a huge part of our town's history."

Not only will Fort Erie be accepting resumes for current available positions but management will also be accepting resumes in order to prepare for jobs that may become available in the future.

"We are optimistic that the job fair will have a large turnout," said Chief Operating Officer, Rick Cowan. "It acknowledges our commitment to the 2011 season and the great year that we have planned."

Here is a list of positions that are available:

Maintenance - General Labourers and Landscaping

Food & Beverage - Tier 3 Cooks, Salad Bar Attendants, Dishwashers, Night Kitchen Cleaners, Dining/Cocktail Servers, Bartenders and Porters

Security - Security Guards

Administration - Administration Assistant and Accounting Clerk


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