Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Woodbine Training Track Open For Business

With the Woodbine Thoroughbred racing season set to begin in just under two months, the Woodbine Training Track reopened earlier today to trainers with horses still in Canada. While many of Woodbine's top conditioners have traveled to the sunny south to run horses at Palm Meadows and Gulfstream Park, other trainers have kept their horses in Canada and are starting training at Woodbine now.

Sid Attard is one of those trainers who has stayed in Canada and he sent out all 28 horses he brought in to Woodbine earlier today. From

"We have 28 horses here and all 28 of them were sent out," said Attard. "It was in very, very good shape this morning. They did a fantastic job getting it ready."

In all, Woodbine says that 21 trainers shipped horses to the track through February 8. A total of 218 horses now call Woodbine their home, at least for the time being, and should hit the training track themselves in the coming days.

The training track is located on the backstretch of the facility, as the Woodbine main polytrack is still under quite a bit of snow. Opposed to the main track, the training track is a dirt surface.

Woodbine will begin their 2011 Thoroughbred meet on Saturday, April 2nd. Opening day will mark Day one of a 167 day meet that will run through to December 4, 2011. Keep checking At The Post on a regular basis for your latest Woodbine news.


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